Monday, July 4, 2011


 HAPPY 4TH! I love America, and what better way to celebrate it then showing off my personal consumerism via blogging. Go capitalism!
First post=woo hoo! Finally up and running. Im such a N00b.
 OKAY, so here's the run down of this blog and what it's about: I love love love fashion, but I, like many of you, do not have the money to spend oh, 1,200$ on shoes. (because thats, how you say, INSANE. ) I rarely buy anything over 30$, so if you're a fellow fashion enthusiast on a budget, this is the place for you;)

                                     Skirt: 8$ at Fifi's consignment store. Shoes...I can't remember! >.<

Some examples of fashion related photographs by yours truly. I really dig a vintage-y vibe, you'll be seeing a lot of that.
Skirt: Charlotte Russe, 14$ Bracelet: gift from Burke's Tights: Charlotte Russe: 5$ Boots: 60$ (A splurge, i know. They were a gift from my mother:) )

                           Im not sure the prices in this one either... ^^but generally I try and catalog them!
        Same boots again. You'll be seeing a lot of them, because
       they're my absolute favorite, and they go with everything
          under the sun. Shirt: 10$ Charlotte Russe Skirt: 15$, same.
         bag: 14$ Target. You'll see a lot of it too.
Some stuff from last winter-I know I'm way off season, but hey, why not a nice reminder that, at one point in our lives, we were actually COLD? (its about 105 degrees were I am right now, and it has been since...i can't even remember the last time it wasn't boiling lava hot...) Not that Im complaining, I <3 summer. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a date with some fireworks and crazy hot guy;)

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